Relevant Persons Representative
A Relevant Person's Representative (RPR) is appointed to support and represent an individual (the relevant person) who is subject to a Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS) authorisation.
This role is crucial in ensuring that the rights and well-being of the person under the DoLS are protected.
Key responsibilities
- Representation and Advocacy: Acting on behalf of the relevant person to ensure their views, wishes, and preferences are heard and are taken into account.
- Monitoring the DoLS Authorisation: Regularly reviewing the conditions and duration of the DoLS authorisation to ensure it remains in the best interests of the relevant person.
- Challenging the Authorisation: If appropriate, challenging the DoLS authorisation through formal processes, including applying to the Court of Protection if it is believed that the deprivation of liberty is not justified.
- Providing Support: Offering practical support to the relevant person, helping them understand their rights and the implications of the DoLS authorisation.
- Liaising with Professionals: Working with care providers, social workers, and legal representatives to ensure that the relevant person's rights are upheld, and their care needs are met appropriately.
The role of an RPR is essential in safeguarding individuals who are deprived of their liberty, ensuring their rights are protected and that they receive appropriate care and treatment.
Get in touch
with us
If you want to learn more
about ASNEW services,
or for
general enquiries and referrals
please call or email.
01352 759332
[email protected]
If for any reason you feel unable to
call or email, you can
text us on
07507 207 394 to request that
we contact you.
We don’t have the facility to
text back at the moment
(we’re working on this),
but we
can call or email – let us know
your preference.