01352 759332


Your guide to
making a complaint

We firmly believe that everyone has the right to complain,
if they are unhappy with the service they receive.

Advocacy Services North East Wales believes it is essential that users of the service have a clear, effective and easily understandable procedure through which any complaint can be dealt with.
Advocacy Services North East Wales will not be defensive when complaints are made, we will ensure that a fair hearing is given to the complaint and that any member of staff or volunteer is also given the opportunity to answer any criticisms made.


Certain principles will be followed during all stages of this procedure:

1. Confidentiality is protected

That will include the confidentiality for both the person making the complaint and any volunteer or staff member.

2. Independent investigation

Where an investigation is required, to ensure that it is fair, it is vital that it is carried out by someone who was not involved in any way with any incident related to the complaint.

3. Support

People making a complaint may be supported by someone of their choice to help them at any stage of the procedure.
ASNEW can help you to access independent support to help you with your complaint if you require.

At each stage everyone concerned with the complaint will be kept fully informed. Apart from Stage 1 there will be a written report on the findings and opinions. This report will be available at any later stage of the procedure.

Stage 1

Informal discussion with the person concerned.
This stage may be by-passed if the client wishes.

Stage 2

Formal complaint registered, either verbally or in writing. Where the complaint is about an advocate the complaint should be addressed to the Service Director.
If the complaint is about the Service Director, the complaint should be addressed to the Chair of Advocacy Services North East Wales.
The person dealing with the complaint will carry out an investigation within two weeks and report the results to the
complainant and to the relevant person involved. If the complainant is unhappy with the result of this, they can then ask the matter to be referred to the 3rd stage.

Stage 3

The third stage must be accessed within eight weeks of the second stage decision date or as soon as reasonably practicable

If the complainant remains unhappy with the decision, they will have the final right of appeal to the ASNEW Board of Trustees. The Board of Trustees will convene an ad hoc committee (membership to be determined by the Board of Trustees) who will report on the matter and their decision is final.

It may not be possible to follow up a complaint if, for example, the complainant is unwilling to reveal their name or if they are unwilling to give an indication of whom they are complaining about. There may also be other issues to consider, for example if someone is abused by a worker/volunteer, it may be impossible to keep confidentiality.